Thursday, April 22, 2010

Expanding Our Focus in Marriages

This blog is for married couples and couples that have a desire to join together as one...
In this world of ______ fill in the blank with the word fits best for how you see life in 2010. Don't take your spouse for granted. Marriages have been forced to take the backseat to jobs; hobbies; video games; internet relationships; friends; associates etc. However, many people question why their marriages are strained. Unless you are in an Arraigned Marriage, you made the commitment by choice. Therefore, it should be first and foremost. Honor and Respect your spouse. Family demands and expectations will become easier. As I understand the bible, the vision and plan that the Creator has for marriage is for the union to operate "Two become One". In that regard, properity, joy and success would be guaranteed. Stay attuned to your spouses desires and needs. Expand your focus on things that contibrute to the marital relationship not outside distractions. Add variety and permit flexibility when given the opportunity to grow together in new areas. It feels so good to have that Special Someone delight in giving you the desires of your heart and receiving the blessings from the Creator for following the straight and narrow path.

Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2