Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Did you know that you are a Genius?

Everyone won't understand your Genius. Oftentimes, when we think of a genius, we picture Einstein. He word genius means having the highest degree of intellectual capacity. It also means one who possesses talent, imagination, creative gifts, aptitude, wisdom, astuteness and the list goes on according to Webster.

If we grasp the meaning, then we understand we see genius' everyday. We see it in young girls who create intricate designs weaving strands of hair together. We see it in those folks self-taught on how to design web pages. We see it in how a writer can twist a metaphor or flip a verb to make you see the world a different way. And although its not to be glamorized, we see it in the person who practices 101 economics; increasing his business by turning the money over gained from selling poison, to buy more product. Imagine the positive outcomes, if someone took the time to point out his genius and redirect it in a way that won't land him in jail or in a grave.

The word holds power. Just to acknowledge yourself as a genius makes you stick your chest out a little more. To know that a test designed to weigh intelligence, really holds no weight at all because your real genius is GOD determined, makes you hold your head a little higher. To know you bring something to this planet that know one else ever did, makes you want to get up and create some more. It some how makes you feel a little more responsible for the gifts you have and how they are shared.

Transitions may lead us to doubt our genius, but we shouldn't. We must understand that growth warrants transitions. We have to understand that as geniuses the plan was whispered in our ear upon birth, for no one else to hear. We were not promised fortune or fame, we were just whispered the plan. Our ultimate responsibility is to remember our genius so we can share it and pass it on.

In the Meantime Be Good To YOU!

Tattianna (AKAGEM)

Monday, September 14, 2009


I wonder how many people take the time to stop and appreciate their blessings. Make time to meditate, just take at least five minutes in the morning; afternoon; evening and at night. That's just 20 minutes a day to be Thankful for what you have right now!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fulfillment in Life

Many times people are satisfied, but not fulfilled. When one is fulfilled there is an ultimate feeling of unspeakable joy!!! Don't settle for just being satisfied. Strive to achieve fulfillment in all of your goals.

Tattiana (AKAGEM)